20th – Sussex Jazz Kings
John, Gill & Gwyn: “A brilliant evening of good old traditional Jazz excellent Musicians.”
Nick, Heather and Carole: “Becoming increasingly rare these days, the Sussex Jazz Kings are still a first class Trad band. Very good evening.”
John & Diane: “We enjoyed it enormously.”
Robert & Brenda Davenport: “Great band. Let’s have them back.”
Tim & Andrew “ Good evening of Jazz! A wide variety of music, it was lovely.”
Lesley & Roger: “A Very lively evening of trad jazz. Especially enjoyed the Cornet and Banjo playing. Vocals a bit quiet. Good to see the Sussex Jazz Kings back again.”
Malcolm, Juliette & Jenny: “Very sorry to hear of the passing of Phil Durrell but welcome to Bill Stagg, also on banjo. Nice to have Pete Leonard again after a long absence. Otherwise it was the usual high class jazz with a great repertoire. A very entertaining evening.”

27th (an extra event) – Storyville Jass Band from Holland
John & Brenda Bugg:
”Hey Leave your Dutch Barn, let go of your Dutch wife, here’s our annual Dutch Treat – our six Dutch Uncles, the flying Dutchmen.
GJC‘s going Dutch before you can say Scheveningen!
(I don’t know where they’re from. Did someone shout Bols?)“
Malcolm : ”Superb entertainment, great repertoire from six good musicians. Very lively and great engagement with the audience. A great evening, have them back again please.”
Paul, Jan, Bob: ”Very good band lots of energy and very entertaining. Musically very good with lots of variations. They had great pace which they kept going throughout the whole evening with lots of enthusiasm and the evening just flowed. They were more “trad Jazzier” than any band we have had for a long time.”
Ron Norman:” Great band, great evening, the selection of tunes and the singing were excellent. Must have them back again!”
Juliette & Tess: ”Very professional, skilled musicians, entertaining, their enjoyment was infectious, great variety.”
Jim & Margaret: ”Liked all the vocals, excellent musicians, good variety of music. Very entertaining”
Lesley and Roger: ”Music, variety of tunes, superbly played. Great to enjoy an evening of trad jazz played by a group who were enjoying themselves too. There were lots of great solos, can’t wait for their next return to Gosport.”
Nick & Heather: ”A truly good band who really have a grip on what people like to hear. Internationally great.”
Julia And Mark: ”Favourite Harmony Singing on “Will the circle be unbroken, Memphis Blue, Blues my Naughty baby” – great harmonies. Thanks so much to the band”
Nicola (Joy Cox’s daughter): ”Jullie vrolijkten mijn avond op , danke jullie wel. (which translates as ‘You brightened up my evening, thank you.’)”

Copyright © of these photographs is owned by Malcolm Swire, Roger Lygoe, Jim Bevington or Jan Almond and they may not be reproduced or copied without their express permission. To request permission, please go to the form on the Contact page. To discourage unauthorised use, the quality of the photos has been reduced from the originals, but the originals are still available. The photos were not necessarily taken at the gig mentioned above.