3rd – Excelsior Vintage Jazz with Cuff Billett.
John & Brenda Bugg:
Who’s that on the trumpet? Cuff Billett.
Empty cornet chair, he’ll fil it,
Great solos with trills, he’s fed on millet.
Experience – been playing since Moby Dick wad a fillet.”
TonySteer (guest): “Sound quality & balance, perfect. Good selection of tunes. Good humour and presentation.”
Malcolm, Juliette, Yvonne & Tessa: “Great evening’s entertainment as always. Very professional set of equally gifted musicians.”
Julia Hubery & Mark Willis: “Thank you for an evening of quality and vibrant musicianship, with energetic and fresh arrangements. Favourites, The Buddy Habit and especially Bayou Blues. Would love to have heard more slow and moody numbers from this band.”
Gill, Gwyn & John: “Good to see Cuff back again. An enjoyable and varied programme. Looking forward to seeing them again later in the year.”
Beryl & Ann (guests): “Good mix of numbers. Excellent musicianship, as expected. A few more vocals would be good.”
Phil & Linda: “A good night with really good old boys.”

17th – Paula Jackman’s Jazz Masters
Gwyn, Gill & John: ”Very good to have this band back, with a good choice of tunes. Particularly liked Creole Love Call, Somerset, and the piano solo. Good to have a lady musician.”
Julia Hubery & Mark Willis: ”Many Thanks for an enjoyable evening. Great solo and ensemble quality. Our favourites were Davenport Blues, Creole Love Call qnd Struttin’ with some Barbeque, which was played with fantastic verve.”
Ron Norman: ”Great band with a bit of humour thrown in, let’s have them back soon.”
Phil & Linda Wright: ”Great band plus great tunes equals a really entertaining night.”
Nick & Heather A and Carole M: ”A Great Jazz outfit ,playing the best renditions of the well known and some lesser known jazz numbers, made for a brilliant evening.”
Margaret & Jim Bevington: ”Lovely variety. Good to have a few vocals and entertaining chat.”
Bob, Veronica, Paul & Stella: ”Very entertaining with a good mix of tunes played by good musicians.”
Chris & Mark Beckett: ”Wonderful solos in Creole Love Call.“

31st – Harry Strutters Hot Seven featuring vocalist Marlene Hill
Julie Hubery & Mark Willis: “We again feel privileged to hear Marlene Hill’s sophisticated phrasing, gorgeous tones and power. Many thanks too, to the band for quality and energy in ensembles and solos. Especially liked Si Tu Vois Ma Mere and the glorious Summertime rendition, (and a pretty special Gershwin piano medley from Martin Lytton).”
Jim & Margaret Bevington: “Lovely familiar tunes. A special treat to hear Marlene singing them.”
Isobel, Juliette & Yvonne: “They were amazing. I will definitely be coming back to Gosport Jazz Club. Harry Strutter’s Hot Seven are absolutely brilliant and Marlen Hill’s voice beautiful.”
Tim and Andrew: “Good to see Marlene given a chance to sing more. Great evening.”
Phil & Linda: “Wonderful evening, Great band. Marlene superb.”
Bob, Veronica, Jan & Paul: “Very good band with lots of variety. Very much enhanced by Marlene who was very good and expressive.”
John, Gill & Gwyn: “Another excellent evening. Good to have Marlene back. Superb rendition of Christopher Columbus by six-piece band. Piano solo towards the end of the evening was super.”
Jenny & Tony Billings: “Really liked the selection of well known tunes. Is the pianist super-human?”
Roger & Lesley: Some old tunes and some new to me. All played with energy. Marlene really is a superstar. Especially liked the original version of Hound Dog.”

Copyright © of these photographs is owned by Malcolm Swire, Roger Lygoe, Jim Bevington or Jan Almond and they may not be reproduced or copied without their express permission. To request permission, please go to the form on the Contact page. To discourage unauthorised use, the quality of the photos has been reduced from the originals, but the originals are still available. The photos were not necessarily taken at the gig mentioned above.